It’s true.. It’s winter, it’s dark by 4 pm.. and I’m feeling that winter slacker period just pushing me into comfy slippers, and my camera use is for taking photos of Jaxson Browne.
I have photos to share and work to do. The class of 2020 is showing up.. I have classes to teach, and people to meet. But, yes, I am slacking.
So, in my attempt at keeping good with the New Year Resolution plan, I am adding some of my favorite 2018 photos. I am terrible at maintaining my website and blogging about my work. It just doesn’t seem that important when I’m out shooting and editing and ordering prints for my clients. I know .. .I KNOW… maintaining my site keeps my work current and out there for people in google land to see. It just somehow seems that constant photography blogging isn’t a necessity to me. I love the creative side of photographing seniors and creating memories. The Marketing side…. eh, not so much.
After all that, I really have some images that I need to share.
Like this sweetie. No, she’s not a senior, but what a precious moment with this three year old. We captured and heirloom portrait that is hanging on her mother’s wall.
Print your photos folks.. they should be hanging on your wall.