photos as art..capturing the light of a family.


It’s wonderfully refreshing to find a family that values the art of photography. I was amazed that every wall, every table, every book-case of this family’s home was crammed with photos. Photos everywhere! Canvases and prints and framed collages are the art that surrounds this couple, and their children. Every room is filled with faces and times in their lives.  I know I’m a mushy person, but it touched me. What I wouldnt give for a family photo with my dad.

In each and every one of the photos are two shining stars, their children. Their photos of their children are Photos as art.. and their home is filled with the love that they share for these two small humans. You can feel it.

Life is funny.. you meet during college, and you find that you have so many things in common… a caregiver’s heart… the love of medicine.. the love of dogs…then years later you are busy busy busy. Time goes by really fast when you are working and raising a family…..  Growing a family is hard work!   These two have done it splendidly … because I know that no matter how busy both  this mom  and dad are, the focus of their love and their life is on their daughter and son.

The reward of this devotion  is something that money can never buy, two well-adjusted, sweet kiddos. Now that’s a treasure.

Life is busy and rushed…  things happen.. Life has a way of twisting and winding itself around us, and while we aren’t looking our parents get older, we get older, and our children grow up and leave us for their own lives.

Capturing and savoring each moment is so special, and if you’ve read any of my blog posts you know my passion about photography, and keeping your memories close at heart.  I enjoyed sharing these moments caught in these photos.. i always say.. i showed up and God pushed the shutter button…at exactly the right time.DSC_3593DSC_3599-Edit-2

2015-04-17_00232015-04-17_0013DSC_3591 2015-04-17_0023 2015-04-17_0008 2015-04-17_0011 2015-04-17_0013 2015-04-17_0014 2015-04-17_0017 2015-04-17_0018 2015-04-17_0020 I was more than happy to capture spring with them. It was a quick shoot.. and the wind was CRAZY!  but, I love that they chose their street where they have raised their children, and I love that the cherry blossoms stayed for a short while with their magic canopy.  Such a magical day. Enjoy the photos…


the ups and downs of being a Nurse-Tog

So .. you want to be a photographer?  I sure do.  I want to make my living saving memories for people. I want people to realize that once that moment is gone.. it’s gone forever. I want a mom to see her baby’s blue eyes before they change to another color. I want all these wonderful things..   Mostly I want happy clients who are respectful and appreciative of what I do.  In a real world, I would take photos every other day. I would have them all edited by sundown.. and my prints ordered and returned the next day. In a real world .. i would be a photographer rock star.. wearing designer clothes.. and  whipping out that camera and lights.

HA….   In my world it’s a daily struggle to keep on keeping on. To let people find and see that value in what you do.. what you produce. To make income to pay bills. Yes .. I’m a business.  So when I do things for free.. i know that clients will come back and hire me when they need photos, Right?  wellll…. not always.

My Designer clothing choices are made by spalding and crocs…. and my camera costs more than the car I drive.  I live with two doggies and a hubby… and i love them.  I have photography students … and I love them too.   Still, I need clients.   I need an income… i need to feel like what i do has been recognized and respected and loved.

I have found that in this industry, there are very few rock stars.. A few are out there, and they fail to recognize that they started somewhere.  I have found also that there is a caring group of professional photographers in my area who aren’t so worried about the competition, that they won’t refer a client to you. I have found that many parent’s of High School Seniors actually love and respect what I do.. and what I carry out with their teenager.  I have found that it’s hard work. I have found that by really digging deep, I have become a pretty darn good photographer. My photos shine.. and some shine enough to win awards.  Is that enough?  well..  I think for now it is.   Just a few musings of a grandma with a camera.  Ta Ta for now._DSC0739-Edit-Edit-Edit-Edit-Edit

Hello Class of 2016 !

_DSC2435 _DSC2418 _DSC2222_ppI can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful each one of these young ladies is, in their own way. They are the busiest, funniest, smiliest group of  seniors.  They play sports, have jobs, study hard, and are making plans to change the world.

We had  a lot of fun doing our senior portrait work in the Studio at connie grant photography. My studio is spacious and fun.. and on the day that these young women were here , it was full of laughter. That’s one of the things that I love about Senior Portraits, the laughter. It’s contagious!  We all need smiles, and hugs, and warm wishes every day. I try to keep in touch with my seniors and tell them how special they are .

Without them, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do this photography thing that I love.

So here’s to Abbie and Mac .. Violet and Somer.  Hope you have a great summer… and looking forward to watching you that senior year~! _DSC3093_pp_DSC3023_pp_DSC2893-Edit-Edit_DSC3066

You are beautiful! Senior Portraits Chesterfield Virginia

How many ways can I even begin to express how much I think of this young lady. Somer is gracious, and warm, and funny. She’s an upcoming Senior in Chesterfield Virginia. Today we did her studio shots. the first part of her Senior Portraits. I think this is going to be a hard choice for someone to make. All of these are stunning. Thank you Somer for spending a rainy . icy day with me here in the studio. Can’t wait till spring… or Somer gets here 🙂_DSC2233 _DSC2235 _DSC2236 _DSC2242-2 _DSC2282 _DSC2318 _DSC2349 _DSC2350 _DSC2356 _DSC2370 _DSC2371 _DSC2391 _DSC2393 _DSC2393-2 _DSC2401 _DSC2414 _DSC2418 _DSC2435 _DSC2437 _DSC2444

Bridal Portraits at the Bolling Haxall house

Bridal Portraits, Something I had always wanted to do .. especially at this venue. Winter is rough on photographers, we sit and we fret and we plan for the next busy season. We work on our skills, and we practice. … Ok  well .. I guess that doesn’t sound that rough. Please check out the Bolling-Haxall house in Richmond Virginia if you are planning Bridal Portraits. The lighting is amazing. There is so much directional light. The furnishings are amazing. The architecture is amazing.. and well.. I have to say.. the results of this shoot are amazing.

People who know me know that I am a story-teller. I am engaged with my clients. Most of them become friends. I learn their stories and am thankful that I have the chance to often go through those rites of passage moments with them… seniors, engagement, bridal, wedding, pregnancy, and then family sessions. I think it says a lot about a photographer when you do a shoot for a client and they choose you again and again to memorialize special moments in their lives.

When I received a call from the mother of one of my clients asking if I would be interested in a bridal shoot of her beautiful daughter Chelsea my first thought was “Bridal? She’s so young to be getting married!” Putting that aside I said of course I’ll do it, especially as it’s that time of year when the cobwebs need to be shaken loose a bit and my Christmas toys are begging as always to be played with. My new D800 is just itching to get out there and flex her muscles.

When I first met Chelsea in the fall nothing had prepared me for her story. Chelsea has been sick all her life. At the age of 14 she was finally diagnosed with something rare called superior mesenteric artery syndrome. She literally could no longer eat as her duodenum, a part of her intestine, was pinched closed between two major blood vessels and she was on a feeding pump for a year. Because of Chelsea’s other pre-existing health issues the surgery performed in the US was not going to work for her so off they went to Germany where Chelsea became the third person in the world to have vascular surgery performed so she could eat again. The surgery was a huge success and she can eat anything she wants now. Because of Chelsea and the media coverage on both sides of the pond several other people sought out her surgeon who then was able to publish in medical literature the success rate of the procedure and her case is highlighted. The family is beyond thrilled that through their efforts the surgery will be performed for the first time in the US, right in our own back yard at UVA later on in February. Yes.. You read that right.. THE FIRST time in the USA that Chelsea’s procedure will be performed will be here in Virginia_DSC0739-Edit-Edit-Edit-Edit-Edit _DSC0747 _DSC0782 _DSC0801 _DSC0793 _DSC0789 _DSC0787-Edit copy _DSC0833 _DSC0901 _DSC0895 _DSC0907 _DSC0913 _DSC0928 _DSC0957-2

When a client chooses to have a shoot done it’s because of a desire to memorialize that special time in life to remember, to be able to look back on those pictures and instantly be transported back in time.

So going back to receiving the call asking me to do Chelsea’s bridal shoot, I immediately said yes. Having the chance to work with her again, this time in one of Richmond’s most historic homes, the Bolling Haxall House, was an opportunity I wasn’t going to let pass by… beautiful model, stunning venue, and a great team to do bridal make- up and hair. I asked who the lucky man is and the answer wasn’t what I expected. There was no groom.

What I learned yesterday was while Chelsea’s surgery is a great success, she isn’t well and the cause isn’t known yet so while continuing to work on classes she’s going back and forth to endocrinology, hematology, and oncology looking for answers and treatment options. Heartbreaking after having come so far! To see her in person you wouldn’t know she’s not well right now, and it certainly doesn’t show in the pictures taken yesterday.

I learned something else as well… people don’t only just have pictures done to memorialize a special time that will be in the past. Sometimes people have a photo shoot done when the future is uncertain. It hit me pretty hard that these photos were to memorialize a future than right now is very uncertain. Chelsea’s family has concerns that she may not have a wedding day. They wanted to see their daughter now as a bride, just in case… and I’m honored I was chosen to share in and help create this special moment for them.

In ten years, I plan on shooting Chelsea’s wedding and her ” real” bridal portraits. Right now I will settle for any time that I get with this lovely creature and her sweet mom. One thing I know for sure now, is that Miss Chelsea is Model Material.


The possibilities of a studio space. making Lemonade

DSC_9713-EditStudio Photography… not what you’re thinking though!

True Photography is art, not just pretty pictures and like art it should tell a story. The thing is, how much of a story can you tell when you’re constrained by a two hour block of time at an expensive rate that the client is paying for in addition to your scheduling fee and package rates? Constrained by weather, lighting, schedules… What if you had a magic place you could go to get rid of some of those pesky issues?

It’s an issue all photographers face and only getting worse in a declining economy. When that happens, it impacts your work whether you realize it or not because instead of thinking of your clients’ stories you’re creativity is clouded subconsciously by those restraints and your anxiety to catch those moments only to miss them because you had to rush. To miss a perfect shot because of the chaos of everything else you’re thinking about.

So, for indoor photography what’s the solution? Forming a studio co-op where you can have that space at a very affordable price. For the cost of a rental of a single location for a few hours you can have indoor space for a month. Think about it. As a photographic artist doesn’t it drive you crazy when you see something in your environment that would look so much better elsewhere but you can’t touch it? Offend your sense of creativity? Then there are those locations where you can’t bring props in so you’re really working it to get shots the client will love and it’s a lot of stress. Your clients pick up on that and the shoot just really doesn’t work the way either of you wanted.

Think about it… a co-op where there are several rooms, props, lighting choices… everything you need to bring that story to live and the time and freedom in your surroundings to make it happen. A place where you can bring in what you want, experiment, not feel rushed so you can bring the best shots in multiples for your clients. A place where dreams happens and do come true. Think of the impact on your creativity if you had a place you could do whatever you want. The result is a more creative work of art that captures your client perfectly.

We can make this co-op happen and even expand to include assistants, hair, make up artists… and do it in an extremely affordable manner that will allow you to diversify your packages and bring in more clients. Everybody wins. Think about it….

i would like to direct you to a personal favorite working studio.. see it here!  It’s my inspiration. This studio would have a life of its own. There would be a blog devoted to the people who work out of there. I already have a super writer who will blog about the work done there. My pinterest page has some ideas on it. Please feel fee to pin me more ideas about studios!  I am so hoping that this will go through,,,,,,,,.

2014 a year in review

{old town Petersburg senior photo shoot}

2014  a very good year for my photography .. and i’ve enjoyed every moment of it. I have a very special person to thank for my successful year. Kenzie! You rocked as my senior rep this year. 2014 has been amazing, and I owe it all to you.  My love of the camera has brought such special people into my life. I wanted to re-share her photos Here are a few of my favorite photos of the most adorable senior rep ever. I have chosen my class of 2016 reps, and I know that they are going to be awesome… this young lady picked them for me.



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They call the wind Mariah. Senior Portraits/ConnieGrantPhotography

Senior Portraits, They are a sign of something good coming our way. Another, wonderfully talented, energetic, athletic young lady is getting ready to enter into adulthood and take the world by storm…  And yes.. they named the wind after her. At least that is what she told me, and I totally believe her… she IS a breath of fresh air… a light summer breeze.. and the excitement of a windy day all wrapped up in a beautiful package.

This young lady hopped out of the car at 7 am.. fully dressed and ready to rock and roll. We started our Senior portrait shoot at sunrise for a few reasons. Number one, it was calling for rain in the afternoon, Number two… it isn’t hot… Number three the light is absolutely beautiful as you will see in these photos.

When Mariah’s mom contacted me about senior photos, she told me that Mariah wasn’t shy in front of the Camera, not only is she not shy, she is beautiful in front of the camera. Not many of us as adults can pull off what she did this day.   Her portraits are amazing.  .. and her smile… OHHH my.. that smile could light a few million cities if the power goes out. Her portraits show a poised, beautiful young lady. What you don’t know is how funny she is. She is hilarious.. always laughing.. always making jokes.

You would think that life is perfect for someone who looks like this wouldn’t you?  The truth is Mariah has really had to work hard in school to get the grades that she has managed to pull off.  For a lot of students, school isn’t easy, and it can feel defeating when your friends so easily do things that you aren’t able to do without a ton of work.  Mariah is able and willing to do the  work.. and she has achieved so much. Her parents have a lot to be proud of with this one….. This is her year.. and she is ready to shine!

She will enter college in the fall, and wants to do something in health care to ” help sick people”… That’s a good start Mariah!

After spending just a few hours with her,  I felt as though I had an energy infusion of some kind.. that soon wore off and I was tired.  Did I tell you this kiddo can lift about 250 pounds at the gym? well… yup she can.

I loved my time with her, and I hope whatever she wants to be.. she will become.

All the wishes for all the success in the world coming at you Mariah!  From me to you…  I think you will make a great doctor. You go for it. Never ever let go of your dreams… reach up and grab your piece of the sky…. after all. … They named the wind after you..










Old Town Petersburg Virginia Senior Portrait shoot

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